LibGame  v0.4.0
The LG Game Engine - Copyright (C) 2024-2025 ETMSoftware
LG_Sprite Struct Reference
Collaboration diagram for LG_Sprite:

Data Fields

int id
int atlas_side
int image_side
int atlas_side_for_n_images
zboolean overflow
int n_frames
int w
int h
zboolean was_cloned
int current_frame
int x
int y
int motion_x
int motion_y
int previous_frame
int prev_x
int prev_y
int last_motion_x
int last_motion_y
int x_bak
int y_bak
int real_obj_diff_x
int real_obj_diff_y
int real_obj_diff_w
int real_obj_diff_h
int life_counter
int down_counter
int teleport_counter
int random_motion_counter
int timer [4]

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: